Hope • Science • Life
Every 27 seconds someone in the U.S. attempts suicide
11-20% of people with bipolar disorder will die by suicide
0 Approved drugs exist today for suicidal bipolar depression
NRx-101 is the first investigational drug in FDA trials for suicidal bipolar depression, awarded fast track designation, breakthrough therapy designation, and a special protocol agreement by the FDA. Positive Phase 2 data*.
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As many as 50% of individuals with bipolar disorder attempt suicide or have serious thoughts of suicide and between 11-20% of those attempt and succumb to suicide.
Pallaskorpi, et al. “Incidence and predictors of suicide attempts in bipolar I and II disorders: A 5-year follow-up study,” Bipolar Disorders, 2016
“Suicide Attempts and Completions in Patients With Bipolar Disorder,” Psychiatric Times, 2007